24 hour emergency hotline: 0175 1819540 Office / headquarters: 09221-6702 0 Email: info@bg-kulmbach.de
D.he building cooperative in Kulmbach and the surrounding area is the largest provider of housing in Kulmbach. Our 100 years of experience in the field of building and living guarantee quality and building according to individual requirements.
We are one of the most traditional providers of social housing in Oberfranken. The cooperative was founded in 1920 in a time of great housing shortage after the lost First World War. The initiative for the establishment came from the then legally qualified mayor of the city, Hans Hacker. In 1940 and 1943 the merger with the "Baugenossenschaft Mainleus" and the "Bauverein Marktschorgast" took place. In 1953 the "Neuenmarkt und Umgebung" housing company was taken over and in 1960 it was merged with the "Neue Heimstätte, non-profit housing and settlement cooperative" based in Kulmbach, whose members were mostly refugees and displaced people.
The post-war decades were characterized by heavy building activity due to the housing shortage, especially in Kulmbach with the focus on Hardenbergstrasse, Lichtenfelser Strasse and Goethestrasse, in the settlement and in Blaich. Outside the city, the residential construction activity in Mainleus and Thurnau should be emphasized.
From the construction of the first ten houses in the Blaich to the current diverse business areas of our housing business, the building cooperative is today a company of great social and economic importance in the city of Kulmbach.
The main focus of our company activities today is the modernization, maintenance and management of our own housing stock. We have been taking care of new buildings since 2016.
Our philosophy: For us, people are the focus of our residential activities. Our actions therefore serve the well-being of our members and customers.
Each of our tenants has a lifelong right of residence that cannot be terminated as long as they comply with the provisions of the rental agreement. As a member, we want to give you affordable living in a familiar area.
We are a competent and fair partner! It is not the hierarchy that is important, but the task and responsibility.
Baugenossenschaft Kulmbach und Umgebung eG
Georg-Hagen-Strasse 24
95326 Kulmbach
Telephone: 09221 6702 0
E-mail: info@bg-kulmbach.de
Emergency phone: 0175 1819540
Mon - Thu 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sat./Sun. closed
Due to the corona pandemic, our office currently has different opening times!
© 2020 All rights reserved | Baugenossenschaft Kulmbach und Umgebung eG